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Why Q & A ?

Members of Cell Viability Inc have extensive experience including many years working with industry leaders. The members at Cell Viability Inc. were part of the original team that developed the Vi-Cell systems and Cell Viability Reagent Kit.

Cell Viability Reagent

Over the many years of supplying reagents for Vi-Cell systems, we have been asked by customers for advice and recommendations on operating their Vi-Cell systems. The list below is a few of those questions with our recommendations/opinions. The information listed in this Question and Answer section has material presented by Cell Viability Incorporated which is intended to be advice, opinions, and for informational purposes only.

content of Cell Viability Reagent Kit

This website and information are not intended to constitute official technical advice or the provision of official technical services. By posting and/or maintaining this website and its contents, Cell Viability Reagent Kit Incorporated does not intend to imply official technical information for instrumentation belonging to other companies.